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Purpose – A Prescription for Long Life: Part 2

Purpose – A Prescription for Long Life: Part 2

Purpose – A Prescription for Long Life: Part 2 1920 1080 Hannan Center

It’s official! You’re retiring and are ready to sit back and kick your feet up. You deserve it, but what do you do after you catch up on your sleep? Or, maybe you’ve already retired, and you’re seeking new hobbies and activities besides watching Judge Judy, who has started making guest appearances in your dreams. Retirement is meant to be a period when individuals can relish the rewards of their hard work; however, some seniors may also spend this time searching for a renewed sense of direction and purpose in life. If you fall in this latter category, don’t worry, it’s never too late to find your passion and start living your best life

Just look at these famous folks who found their calling later in life. Grandma Moses, bless her heart, started painting at the ripe old age of 78. Colonel Sanders, the king of fried chicken, didn’t begin his finger-lickin’ good empire until he was 62. And Laura Ingalls Wilder, the author of Little House on the Prairie, didn’t publish her first book until she was 65 and seven more after that (to the chagrin of all of my fellow boomers who had to read them in elementary school)! Better late than never, am I right?

If you’re looking for your purpose in life, take a moment to reflect on what brings you joy. And don’t be afraid to try new things, even if it means stepping out of your comfort zone. Here’s a quick list of some affordable activities that you might consider:

  1. Walking or hiking – This is a great way to stay active, explore the outdoors, or hang out with friends.
  2. Start a book or podcast discussion – Are you into true crime drama or mysteries? Start a book club or discussion with like-minded folks.
  3. Volunteer work – Hannan offers many volunteer opportunities both at Hannan and with our community partners
  4. Game night (or afternoon) – Are dominoes or backgammon your thing? Why not start a club, challenge your mind, and meet new people?
  5. Movie night – another great opportunity for stimulating discussion
  6. Photography – this is a great way to capture memories. With so many phones having great cameras, now is a terrific time to explore the world around you.
  7. Yoga or other fitness classes – there are many programs tailored for seniors and our changing bodies
  8. Writing – not only is getting your thoughts onto paper therapeutic, but maybe you have a great story inside you waiting to be told.
  9. Back to school – places like metro Detroit’s community colleges offer discounted classes to seniors. Another opportunity to keep your mind engaged and meet new people
  10. Paint, sculpt, and perform art – Hannan Center offers various arts programming, workshops, and discussions that might awaken an unknown passion.

Grandma Moses started painting because her arthritis was so bad that she had to give up embroidery. You never know what might spark a new passion or lead you down a fulfilling path.

Need some inspiration? Look to others who have found their purpose later in life. Read their stories, learn from their experiences, and then go out and make your mark on the world. And remember, it’s never too late to change and pursue your dreams. So, embrace change, take a leap of faith, and see where life takes you.

Ultimately, finding your purpose later in life is a journey worth taking. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride. And who knows, you might discover your true calling and become the next Grandma Moses, Colonel Sanders, or Laura Ingalls Wilder!